Anthropologie x SOTA

“I believe that art shouldn't be exclusively for the top 1% or even 10% of society. This is where SOTA comes in,” explains founder Emma Lang. “Here, everyone can access high-quality art at genuinely affordable price points. Financially and creatively empowering artists – and seeing the impact this has on their wellbeing and overall happiness – is so rewarding.”

Throughout the partnership, Anthropologie will be lending their platform to the gallery and shining a spotlight on three featured artists:
Kelly Jay, Sumuyya Khader, and Jovilee Burton. The curation is as varied as it is unapologetic, traversing mediums to explore everything from nature to identity.

Work will be available to purchase online, with 100% of all profits going to The Black Heart Foundation
Scholarship Programme.


Calico Club x House and Garden


Socca Bistro, Mayfair